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Dr. Monica Martinez, PhD

Jungian Psychology Therapist

I am a Jungian Psychology Therapist who works in São Paulo and Granja Viana, Brazil. In addition, I have great experience in online sessions. The aim of my practice is to encourage self knowldge through tools and processes that encourage a fuller and healthier physical, emotional and intellectual life. I am proud of my career and would like to invite you to learn more about my work.


Office 1 

Rua Girassol, 139 - sala 42

Vila Madalena - 05433-000

São Paulo - Brazil

Office 2 

Open Mall The Square

Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km. 22

Conjunto 311 - Bloco C - Granja Viana

06709-015 - Cotia - São Paulo

Office hours

Wed to Friday, 2pm to 8pm



Telephone: + 55 11 9 9449-5034

Cinema, art and soul

Sebastião Salgado´s exhibit: an ode to life

Click on the image below to read my review of Sebastião Salgado's exhibition entitled Amazonia.

6 - Indígena Yawanawá. Estado do Acre, Brasil, 2016 ┬® Sebastião Salgado (1).jpg
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